Anatomy Overview:
- One of the oldest described surgical procedures in plastic surgery – its earliest description was in an ancient Indian text in 600BC. It gained popularity again in the early 1800s and was further refined by Dr. Gilles during WWI.
- Stood the test of time as a mainstay of reconstruction of large, multi-layer defects of the distal third of the nose.
- Robust flap with reliable vascular pedicle. It is easily harvested and acceptable donor site and finally is a near perfect skin match for the nose
- Blood supply to forehead:
- Supraorbital, supratrochlear, superficial temporal, dorsal nasal, and facial/angular vessels
- Run in subcutaneous plane in the forehead/scalp
- When we talk about the paramedian forehead flap, the blood supply to our flap is the supratrochlear artery and vein
- Supratrochlear artery is a terminal branch of ophthalmic artery
- Emerges at the superonasal aspect of the orbit, medial to the supraorbital artery
- Divides in to a superficial and deep branch
- About 2cm above the superior orbital rim the superficial branch pierces the underside of the frontalis to run in a subcutaneous plane, eventually terminating in to multiple small branches near the hairline
- You can typically identify the artery 1.5-2cm lateral to midline and 1cm superior to the brow with a doppler
Topics Covered:
- General thoughts on the forehead flap, it’s history, and its utility in your practice?
- Indications and contraindications?
- Smokers/diabetes/peripheral vascular disease?
- Children?
- Preoperative planning
- Can you take us through your markings?
- Doppler?
- Base width of the pedicle?
- Pivot point?
- What if you need more length, into the hairline or horizontal component?
- Dissection:
- Initial incisions and elevation
- When do you transition to the subperiosteal plane?
- Thinning:
- How aggressive are you with flap thinning during the index operation?
- Do you thin during this index operation do you have an intermediate procedure?
- Vary with patient comorbidities?
- Donor site closure?
- Any tips to obtain primary closure?
- Secondary intention if too wide?
- Do you routinely use SPY during this index operation? Prior to pedicle division?
- Second Stage:
- First, how long do you wait before pedicle division?
- Any preoperative testing to determine if flap ready for division?
- SPY routinely?
- Technical steps of procedure?
- What are your thoughts on the three stage forehead flap?
- Specific indications?
- Aesthetics?
- Comorbidities?
- Folded forehead flap for lining?